I recently had a quite heated discussion with a friend who argued about the iPad issues that make him not buy the thing, even if he desperately wants a tablet-computer. He said that he’d gladly pay 1000€ for it, if it just had USB.
His point was that it doesn’t have USB and the disk is too small for (many) movies – the filesystem just won’t cut it at the moment. My response was, that you could stream movies from your PC if you wanted (given they ported the appropriate apps from iPhone to iPad which I heard already happend, but I don’t have an iPad so I have no proof). He responded, that this would need additional apps (costing extra money) and that this wouldn’t be usable for his dad. I was kinda drunk when I responded and said something about that this cumbersome dock was Apples strategy or something, but I really should have said that his dad could just sync via iTunes (which is only a bit more pain than synching via filesystem), and that the iPad won’t cost 1000€ even with all streamingapps in the world. And I should have responded, that apps get new possibilities for working with files in iPhoneOS4, which will come early enough when the next iPhone will be released this summer.
In fact, I think the only way that you could not like the iPad (or the iPhone for that matter), is that you’re an Apple-hater. Don’t misunderstand me, I also think they should do some ways different (especially with their Macs that I would never prefer over Windows 7), but I clearly think they got the best phones and the only working tablet out there. Besides, I don’t feel the need for one. But I guess the iPad is the only computer I would buy my mom. She would have E-Mail and Internet at her fingertips for the first time. Awesome.
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