Image by The Pug Father via Flickr
As a 3G (without S for speed) – iPhone-User I was pretty cautious when 3.0 came out. My jailbreaked 2.2 was running pretty slow, and as 3.0 brought new features I thought it might be even slower when I jailbreaked it. But luckily, Apple provides updates that increase performance instead of making things slower. So my jailbreaked 3.0 run faster than my jailbreaked 2.2 – in fact, I don’t even feel it running slower anymore.
“Why Jailbreak anyways?” you ask? Because:
- Its easy. Just download the jailbreaking software, google for a how-to-tutorial and just do it.
- You get the lockscreen calendar. Always seeing which calendar-events come next is a uber-feature. Look for the lockscreen-screenshot in the gallery in this post to see how it looks like. Just shows all calender-items on the lockscreen, so you don’t have to look in the calendar-app all the time. The working lockscreen-calendar I found in Cydia is called “Lock Calendar”.
- Another nice thing is the “20 second lock screen” that lets to lockscreen stay activated for 20 seconds instead of the usual two or three seconds – very useful with that calendar lockscreen.
- You get a design you like. Using Winterboard and one of thousands of design choices in complete themes. Look in the gallery to see the design I use. Download “Winterboard” in Cydia and any of the masses of Themes.
- You get a videocamera-function on 3G (not included in 3.0 if you don’t have a 3GS). Search for Cycorder in Cydia to download it.
- You get qTweeter, a superb update-client for iPhone that updates you Twitter and/or Facebook status. qTweeter is just there to SEND messages, not to read them, but you can use it inside any application by sliding your finger from the top of the screen down. You can include pictures (frsh or from the camera-roll), videos (from Cycorder), songs (with a weblink to a prehearing) or links (while in safari) in your tweets. Maybe more that I didn’t see so far. Costs a small amount of money to use with all features. Look into the gallery to see three pics where qTweeter gets drawn with a finger from the top of the screen.
- You get BiteSMS, a superb SMS-client where you can send cheaper text messages (in Germany 0,06€ per SMS).
- You get these features: Google Voice (if you’re in the US, free SMS and cheap worldwide calling) and Tethering without needing to pay extra money to your provider (Cydia-search for Tether; costs a little amount of money).
- You can install AdBlock, an AdBlocker for Safari. There was also a little fee included, but I don’t need to tell you that downloading ads is pure waste of time and transfer volume – so its worth it. Sadly the newest version of AdBlock has an error which crashes Safari – I hope they fix it soon.
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