- by Tim
- Twitter threads are often made up with numbers 1) 2) 3) or with “…” or “(Thread)”. Ugly, and wastes space.
- Oftentimes you also only realise after some replies to yourself that it’s a thread or will become one.
- You seldomly know, when it’s over, or if you get something RT’ed from the middle, where it began.
- But mostly, you never get anything retweeted from the thread maker, as they tweets are ugly because of the numbering of tweets.
- Usually, you learn about threads from someone else who just tweets “Thread about #something [link to first threadtweet]”. These guys then get lots of RTs because that is a valid thing when you want to RT the entire thread without retweeting every single tweet.
This sucks. I would like to propose the following format:
- Begin tweeting, one by one, always answering on the Tweet before.
- Don’t use “Thread” or numbering.
- You can use short tweets that might be nice by themselves, there’s no need to use the full 280 characters.
- When you’re finished, the final tweet also should answer towards the last tweet of the thread, contain the word “Thread” as well as a #topic hashtag and a link to the first tweet of the thread. Adding how many tweets are in the thread, a headline, or other metadata here might help.
- This tweet then is the last tweet of the thread, links to the first one and is also the tweet to be retweeted for others.