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Speed up – WordPress Plugins to reduce loading times

In “Superb WordPress Plugins – Speed, Easy!” I already spoke about which plugins I use for accellerating WordPress to the max. I think I need to post this once again, as most WordPress blogs I visit load way too long and I have loading times between one and two seconds, which is really fast for a private blog with pictures.

So, just use the following plugins, and you’ll be fine:Entering Hyperspace

  • Efficient Related Posts (doesn’t steal your time like some other related posts plugins do)
  • jQuery lazy load plugin (important if you use pictures, you’ll not want to load all images the user won’t scroll to anyways)
  • TweetMeme Retweet Button (this is the fastest retweet button I found, usually those things make your site dog slow – if someone knows a faster one, please give me a hint, as this still drags me down)
  • WP-Optimize (optimize your database very easily, so the dataconnection is faster)
  • WP HTTP Compression (just use it)
  • WP Minify (big time speedup – just use it)
  • WP Super Cache (you don’t want processors calculate what HTML to output everytime someone enters your site, caching lets you store that)

Creative Commons License photo credit: Éole

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