Just want to inform you about the new plugins I’m using. The TweetSuite gives you the opportutiy to tweet the post you’re just reading via twitter and show which tweetbacks (tweets about this post) exist. I replaced the Twitter Tools, as tweet suite does the same and more … while they’re not as configurable. You’ll have to dive in the code of the plugin to change the CSS-appearance of the button at the right for example, as it comes without ID or class.
The MathAntiSpamPlugin is something you surely have seen before – I need to put this in place now as I getting more and more spam everyday. You’ll need to answer a simple addition of two small numbers to be able to post a comment.
Das MathAntiSpam nutze ich schon länger und es schützt vor den bösen Einträgen durch Roboter gut. Ich möchte es nicht missen!