
Dein Weltmodell ist deine Realität

My todo workflow & Appigo ToDo

Appigo ToDo is great (reviewed it when the Mac version was pretty new) for the following reasons – and how I use it:

  • I can have my main contexts home and work. Also I have two other contexts called GET (where everything I need to get lives, and movies, where my favorite movie list lives). I can switch between those easily on every screen, with one click in the mac app, or two taps in the iOS version. When a context is activated, the list is filtered so I can only see the stuff I can do right now, sorted by due date. I’m always in some context. Therefore, stuff I’d never like to see, like my reminders for organizing the whole list once a week or going to bed in time just get no context attached.
  • At work, where I have different projects, I can add a “tag” to every task for a given project. At the moment, I have a lot of stuff for UpdateYeti (the next product I’ll be releasing soon) using the tag #uy and #organizational tasks for team-lead stuff. When I select one of these additional tags as filter, it’s effectively like selecting a subcontext, so I only see tasks in this project.
  • There’s a quick entry shortcut on the mac, which opens a simple text input box. As I’m mostly collecting tasks at work, work is my primary context set automatically for those tasks. The intelligent task parsing (that I originally proposed to Appigo and that I’m still amazed got implemented by them, thanks Appigo!) makes it possible to set another context writing “@context” or setting tags by writing “#tag” just in the tasks description, and using shortcuts for this (for example via TextExpander, although I use Keyboard Maestro for this right now), adding a task to the correct project and context is very fastly done.
  • Good price, either pay once for each app, and you’re good to go (Mac 15$, iPhone 5$, iPad 5$). Or you pay ~20$ per year for the cloud version (like I do, Mac, iOS)  and also have a web-version and shared tasks for other pro users. The apps for this version are free on the AppStore but can only be used with this subscription.
  • It syncs, it can do reminders, recurring tasks, location based tasks, due dates & times, priorities, and it doesn’t need the full screen on the mac, as they don’t have much stuff in there that nobody needs anyways (like many of the more expensive task managers like OmniFocus).
  • They’re actively developing the applications, which is much more than can be said about all it’s competitors. And they have the best name of a todo-tool: ToDo.

→ Feature requests for Appigo

  • Make a checkbox-like filter that hides tasks that have a start date but have not started yet (would make me use start dates finally)
  • On iOS: background sync, now that it’s possible with iOS 7 – please!

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